
If this is such a hopeless place, will we be able to find love here?

I don't fucking get why I care, why I continue to make a priority out of you when I'm not even your option. Why I allow you to get in my head, screw with my brain and leave me into pieces. Why I constantly stop my senses to make space for your mental games. Why I'm willing to follow you into the dark.
I know we are in a hopeless place. I know that is only within the surfaces of my heart that I believe in you and me. The deep part knows too well that is only a fluke and sooner than later you will break me if I let you.
I can't help wanting to believe that things might be different, that I'll be your safe haven and you'll turn out an alright guy for me. That you'll understand that us together are stronger and better than apart.
But things are not like in a scripted chick flick. Life is a bitch, because if it was a slut, it would be easy. You and I are meant to walk in different roads.
But for now, I'm choosing to believe that we can find love in this hopeless place.


7-8 a.m ish

Cuanto gozo en el medio de tanto enredo
que tan rico irse a dormir contento.



I'm asking you if your love will grow
You don't know, you don't know.
If I stick around, will it show?
You don't know, you don't know

(but he doesn't want to leave me now)



De donde venis, ni idea
pero que ganas de descubrirlo.
Para donde vas, no se
pero me gustaria que fuera conmigo.
De que estas hecho? Miel, azufre o calcio?
Que es lo que te hace tan alucinogeno?
Sos una pared de ladrillos,
pero a la vez sos tan vulnerable.
Sos tan llevadero,
pero a la vez no te gusta que te sigan los pasos.
Sos un conundrum,
algo indescrifrable,
pero que se le queda a uno en las venas.
Una sustancia toxica pero a la vez edulcorante,
una mar de preguntas sin respuesta,
una noche de soñar y luego aterrizar jadeante.
Sos tantas cosas que me desconcentras,
sos parte de lo que quiero
y de lo que no me atrevo a tomar.
Sos como una droga,
pero quiero creer que de las buenas.


Sin pensarlo

Y asi de la nada...
(quien lo iba a decir)
Tal vez porque he dejado de buscarlo
el se asoma para alegrarme la madrugada.